Snettisham Parish Council



Council is required to ensure that its website is “accessible”. This means that we have considered the needs of those with disabilities who access information through e.g. screen readers, and that we do our best to make things easier.

We are required to have an Accessibility Statement, outlining how we meet, or intend to meet the criteria. The full document is available on the “Policies” page.


Under 2018 General Data Protection Regulations we are required to publish a statement of your rights, and how we deal with your personal information.

Our policy states:

Snettisham Parish Council has a desire, as well as a duty, to protect your personal information. To this end:
1. You have a right to see and correct any information we have about you;
2. When we receive your personal data, we will agree with you how long and for what purposes we will hold it;
3. Your data will be held on a password-protected system;
4. We will not hold any “sensitive data” as defined in the GDPR;
5. We will not share your data with others without your permission, unless legally required to do so;
6. Unless it is held for purposes allowed under the GDPR you have the right to request the removal of such data;
7. Council is the Data Controller and the Clerk the Data Processor under GDPR; Council has not appointed a Data Protection Officer – one will be engaged if required;
8. Until such time as an email policy is re-drawn, there will be a statement on all emails sent by Council: “Council draws your attention to its Data Protection Policy available on our website. We will keep correspondence in order that we can demonstrate that we have dealt with your request, or to contact you on similar matters which may interest you in future; if you do not wish us to do so, please inform us at any time.” If your emails are forwarded to or by councillors or staff any personal details will be deleted.
We have attempted to make this statement as simple and clear as possible. No omission restricts your rights in any way, but we believe for clarity it is best to concentrate on what we are required to say, and on those issues which are likely to occur in our day-to-day dealings with Members of the Public.

The full document is available under the “Policies” page.


01485 543721

9:00 am – 4:00 pm
9:00 am – 4:00 pm
9:00 am – 4:00 pm
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